# Style Guide
template-including-parent: false
template: style-guide
property: style guide
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
# Text Formatting
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. -> Pellentesque lacinia cursus ipsum, non blandit est sollicitudin non. Proin fringilla enim tortor, quis finibus quam dictum nec. Nunc eu tincidunt erat, non pretium nibh.
inline block reference + number list
id: 6470139d-f5f1-4fce-b8d9-a670ee336fa8
logseq.order-list-type: number
Block embed + number list
id: 6470139d-d728-4637-ac20-d336cf2c6ec1
logseq.order-list-type: number
Bold text
*Italic text* with underscores
*Italic and bold*
==Highlight with equal sign== and Highlight with carets
[Link to another page in graph]([[]])
> Blockquote
Inline Code
(println "This is code")
$$Formula E=mc^2$$
# Studying
This is a {{cloze cloze}}
This is a flashcard #card
And this is the answer
# Tasks
This is a todo item
This is an item you're doing
CLOCK: [2023-04-28 Fri 19:17:07]
CLOCK: [2023-04-28 Fri 19:17:10]
This item is done
CANCELLED This Item is cancelled
This task is now
CLOCK: [2023-04-28 Fri 19:17:48]
CLOCK: [2023-04-28 Fri 19:17:51]
WAIT This task is waiting
This task is for later
This task is scheduled
SCHEDULED: <2023-04-28 Fri 19:30>
# Links and Embeds
URL Link
[Link to another page in graph (hover to preview)]([[]])
{{embed ((6470139d-d728-4637-ac20-d336cf2c6ec1))}}
# Media
# Query
{{query }}
# Table
| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |
# Org Mode Alerts
This is a tip!
This is a note
This is important!
This is caution...
This is pinned
This is a warning
This is an example
This is text in the center
# Draw