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Professional Person

template-including-parent: false

template: person_template


icon: 👤

Type: Person

Location: <%setinput: Location%>

company: <%setinput: Company%>

alias: <%setinput:ID%>

who: <%getinput:Who%>


Summary: Template to manage people in Professional Capacity Dependency: Need Smart Blocks Plugin Installed Smart Button: {{renderer :smartblock, person_template, Add Person, true, "today"}}

Shared by CuriousCat

Time Box

template-including-parent: true

template: time_box

# Brain Dump


Take everything that’s in your brain that you need to get done and jotted down as quickly as you possibly can. Don’t think about it. Just write them down


1. Blah Blah

2. Blah Blah

# Top Priorities #.kanban


List out your Tasks Categorized by Task


## 🔴 High {{renderer :todomaster}}

[#A] Low Priority Task

## 🟡 Normal {{renderer :todomaster}}

[#B] Normal Priority Task

## 🟢 Low {{renderer :todomaster}}

[#C] High Priority Task

# Morning Box #.kanban

query-table: true


Build your Morning Plan


## 7 AM

## 8 AM

## 9 AM

## 10 AM

## 11 AM

# Afternoon Box #.kanban


Build your Afternoon Plan


## 12 PM

## 1 PM

## 2 PM

## 3 PM

## 4 PM

# Evening Box #.kanban


Build your Evening Plan


## 5 PM

## 6 PM

## 7 PM

## 8 PM

## 9 PM


Time Box Template to help with organization of thoughts and daily plan. For this template to render properly, you will need the following Plugins installed: - logseq-awesome-content - logseq-plugin-todo-master Hope you enjoy!

Shared by CuriousCat