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collapsed: true

id: 65e36eb7-199c-47f8-8714-6c9f1d7ae08b

tags: <span class="tag">#templates</span>

template-including-parent: false

template: journal

date: <% today %>

tags: <span class="tag">#journal</span>

# Habit Tracking

chores: false

self-care: false

mental-stim: false

life-growth: false

exercise: false

wash-face: false

type: tracker


query-properties: [:page :wash-face :exercise :life-growth :mental-stim :self-care :chores]

query-table: true


:title [:b "Habit history"]

:query [


(pull ?b [:db/id :block/properties {:block/page [:block/original-name]} :block/content])


[?b :block/page ?p]

[?p :page/journal? true]

[?b :block/properties ?props]

[(get ?props :type) ?type]

[(= "tracker" ?type)]



(fn [rows]


(fn [row]


(assoc row :block/content (get-in row [:block/page :block/original-name]))

(update-in [:block/properties :wash-face] (fn [b] (if b "✔️" "❌")))

(update-in [:block/properties :exercise] (fn [b] (if b "✔️" "❌")))

(update-in [:block/properties :life-growth] (fn [b] (if b "✔️" "❌")))

(update-in [:block/properties :mental-stim] (fn [b] (if b "✔️" "❌")))

(update-in [:block/properties :self-care] (fn [b] (if b "✔️" "❌")))

(update-in [:block/properties :chores] (fn [b] (if b "✔️" "❌")))))



# To-do

{{query (and (task IN-PROGRESS) (not (property :hide "true")))}}

query-table: true

# Daily Journal

tags: daily_journal

What did I do today?


Journal template to show todo items and a habit tracker

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