template: book → tags
{ ! var [ authors, name ] = c.page.name.split(' — '); name = «${name}»; authors = authors.split(', ') _}
tags: book,
category: <span class="bracket">[[</span><span class="link">📖</span><span class="bracket">]]</span>
author: ``{ authors.map(ref).join(', ') }``
alias: ``{ name.indexOf(',') >= 0 ? ref(name) : name }``
Required plugins: Full House Templates How to use? Inside a page named via pattern «Author1, Author2, ... — Book Name» Note: It is not a minus sign: «-». It is EM DASH (U+2014). You can change it in the first template line: …split('<YOUR ANOTHER CHAR>')
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collapsed: true
template: get book → labirint
{ !
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
const link = empty(c.args.link, dev.links(c.block.content)[0])
if (!link)
request.open('GET', link)
request.onload = function() {
if (this.status !== 200)
const doc = this.responseText
console.info('Got data from book link')
var m = /
if (!m)
const title = m[1]
console.log('RU:', title)
var m = /
const titleEng = (m ? m[1] : '').toLowerCase().replace(/(^\w{1})|(\s+\w{1})/g, letter => letter.toUpperCase())
console.log('EN:', titleEng)
var m = doc.matchAll(/data-event-label="author"\s+data-event-content="([^"]*)/g)
if (!m)
const authors = []
for (const authorMatch of m) {
const words = authorMatch[1].split(' ').filter((w) => !w.endsWith('.'))
const author = words.join(' ')
console.log('Authors', authors)
const titles = [title]
if (titleEng)
const pageName = authors.join(', ') + ' — ' + title
const properties = {
alias: titles.map((t) => ref(«${t}»)).join(', '),
author: authors.map(ref).join(', '),
year: '',
category: '[[📖]]',
link: ,
rating: '',
tags: 'book,',
console.info('Properties:', properties)
const tree = top.logseq.api.getpageblocks_tree(pageName)
let uuid
if (!tree || tree.length === 0) {
// page doesn't exist or is empty
uuid = top.logseq.api.insert_block(pageName, '').uuid
} else {
// there is at least one block in page
uuid = tree[0].uuid
for (const [ p, v ] of Object.entries(properties))
top.logseq.api.upsertblockproperty(uuid, p, v)
top.logseq.api.update_block(c.block.uuid, ref(pageName))
Required plugin: Full House Templates How to use? 1) {{renderer :template, get book → labirint, :link https://www.labirint.ru/books/529331}} — to fetch data from provided link and render page ref to current block 2) {{renderer :template, get book → labirint, :link https://www.labirint.ru/books/529331, :block <block ref / uuid>}} — to fetch data from provided link and render page ref to specified block 3) {{renderer :template, get book → labirint, :block 649327eb-e5cd-4d3d-a19b-0c57458bcdd1}} — to fetch data from link in specified block and render page ref to that block
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