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template-including-parent: false

template: Company

Location: city

Industry: industry

Partners: company

Customers: company

Revenue: $123

Employees: 123

Parent: company

Website: /link

Category: <span class="tag">#companies</span>

CRM Company

Logseq CRM Company Metadata Template - A CRM you build as your business grows which enables you to manage customer relationships not just opportunities. The company metadata template is for any company (customer, partner, supplier or competitor) you work with and captures their details on a single page. Visit www.logseqcrm.com to sign up for access to more tools

Shared by mumu


template-including-parent: false

template: Meeting

Title: meeting

Date: <% today %>

Participants: name

Opportunity: description

Main topics of discussion



Actionable items:

Item 1


CLOCK: [2023-03-24 Fri 08:47:59]--[2023-03-24 Fri 08:48:00] => 00:00:01


Category: <span class="tag">#meetings</span>

CRM Meeting

Logseq CRM Meeting Metadata Template - A CRM you build as your business grows which enables you to manage customer relationships not just opportunities. The meeting metadata template is for any meetings (customers, leads, opportunities or projects) you have and captures the notes on a single page. Visit www.logseqcrm.com to sign up for access to more tools

Shared by mumu


template-including-parent: false

template: Contact

Company: name

Location: city

Email: someone@abccompany.com

Title: title

Role: business_user - coach - decision_maker - exec_sponsor - financial_decision_maker - technical_evaluator

Relationship: negative - new - met_in_past - met_recently - meet_regularly

Mode: trouble - even_keel - growth - overconfident

LinkedIn: /link

Manager: name

Category: <span class="tag">#contacts</span>

CRM Contact

Logseq CRM Contact Metadata Template - A CRM you build as your business grows which enables you to manage customer relationships not just opportunities. The contact metadata template is for any contact or connection you make and captures their details on a single page. Visit www.logseqcrm.com to sign up for access to more tools

Shared by mumu


template-including-parent: false

template: Lead

Company: company

Contact: name

Description: description

Stage: suspect - enquiry - qualified

Category: <span class="tag">#leads</span>

CRM Lead

Logseq CRM Lead Metadata Template - A CRM you build as your business grows which enables you to manage customer relationships not just opportunities. The lead metadata template is for any business leads you receive from contacts and meetings and captures the details on a single page. Visit www.logseqcrm.com to sign up for access to more tools

Shared by mumu


template-including-parent: false

template: Opportunity

Company: company

Name: opportunity name

Description: opportunity description

Value: $123

Winnability: X%

Created: <%today%>

Start: <%today%>

Close: <%today%>

phase: qualified - proposal - shortlisted - negotiation - won

Status: active - won - lost - deferred - dropped

Market: unknown - new - target - existing - core

Context: unknown - public domain - outline - detailed - indpeth

Contact: none - one_level - two_levels - multi_level - all_levels

DMU: not_met - met_one_role - met_some_roles - met_most_roles - met_all_roles

Drivers: unknown - no_pain/gain - no_attributed_value - quantified_pain/gain

Proposition: none - weak/no delivery - good/no delivery - strong/delivery gaps - strong/full delivery

Competition: unknown - multiple - two_or_three - single - preferred

Category: <span class="tag">#opportunity</span>

CRM Opportunity

Logseq CRM Opportunity Metadata Template - A CRM you build as your business grows which enables you to manage customer relationships not just opportunities. The opportunity metadata template is for business opportunities created from contacts and meetings and captures the details on a single page. Visit www.logseqcrm.com to sign up for access to more tools

Shared by mumu